U should come.

Here we are.

In the midst of the most intense, heart ripping, emotional, surreal time of our lives.

On Wednesday morning at 4:30, we awoke to a chilled house from the cool air. I asked Travis to get me another blanket and snuggled back in. I leaned over to check what time it was and there it was:

Missed call from M.

A text from M saying “U should come”.

I calmly set my phone down. In shock that this was the moment. The one we had been waiting for.

I asked Travis if he was awake and then handed him my phone. I couldn’t even say the words. We then immediately called M. She was in labor and walking down the hallway at the hospital to the labor and delivery unit. IT WAS TIME.

After that, life is a blur. Booking plane tickets, taking showers, packing the last necessities, and getting our puppy and house ready for us to be gone. Before we knew it, we were sitting in a car on the way to the airport. Breathing heavy. Sweating. M texted saying she was dilated to 6 cm already.

My heart shattered.

I knew we wouldn’t make it in time to be there to support her through this labor. My dreams of being by her side to let her know she is loved, she is cared about, and she is supported were fading. And there was nothing we could do to change that.

We made it through the airport, arrived at our gate and made the calls to our families to tell them what was happening. We were frantic. We called M to tell her we would be there soon and that we were praying and sending all of our love. She had progressed to 8 cm already--baby girl was coming fast and furious!

And then….we could do nothing. We sat for the longest three hours of our entire lives trapped on the plane. We were helpless. We bounced from anxiety, freaking out, crying, wanting to throw up, heart breaking, calm, and laughter. We prayed so many prayers. Pleading with God to wrap M in his loving embrace and let her feel His presence. We prayed for her health and for her heart. And we sweat. So much sweat.

When we landed, my phone was bombarded with texts from M of pictures of baby girl! She had made her debut Wednesday morning at 8:29. They were both healthy and doing just fine! M held her until the social worker arrived and then the nurses brought her to the nursery to have a bath and do their tests. We made it to the hospital two hours after delivery--with every bag and bassinet we packed in tow! M let me hug her and told us the story of baby girl’s labor and delivery. And we could finally breathe. We had made it. We were by her side.

And then, we met the sweetest little squish we ever saw.

As this story continues to be written, please pray for M-that God bring her comfort and healing, that He give her clarity and comfort in the decision that she chooses, and that He give her grace and love during the whirlwind of this unexpected week. We will continue to share our journey as we are able, but please also keep us in your prayers as we navigate these next few days.



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