Leaving Floor 3

After we spent as many hours as possible with baby girl, we arrived at the hospital on that final day. It was final because at 10am, her mama would be meeting with her Social Worker and attorney to make her decision to parent or place baby through adoption. After spending those two days together, we know M loves baby girl and would be a great parent to her if that were her choice.

Our emotions were beyond intense. No matter the decision, we knew that our hearts would be hurting. No matter the decision, this baby girl was loved and would continue to be loved. No matter the decision, we had poured out every ounce of our hearts for the last 72 hours and wouldn’t regret that time. We were quiet, because no matter the decision, what comes next wouldn’t be easy.

And then it was 11, and the social worker hadn’t arrived yet.

And then it was 11:30, and the social worker still hadn’t arrived.

My stomach was such a mess I had to take a walk to get ice and splash cool water on my face. I was shaking. What would be, would be. But my heart would be hurting either way and I wasn’t ready for it.

Shortly before 12:00, the social worker arrived.

M had signed her parental rights to us. We took a moment to look at each other with knowing eyes. The decision M made can not have been easy or done with haste. We know that it was a decision made in love. And now, we are baby girl’s.

After going over many documents and signing yet another stack of paperwork, we could breathe. A decision was made. We were parents to this stunning baby girl. She would be coming home with us. The magnitude of this privilege is incredible.

So, with hearts that are ripped open so wide they hurt, we introduce
Coretta Neeley Atkinson

Born on Wednesday, August 22nd at 8:29am. She weighed in at 7lbs, 1oz and measured 19.5” of pure sweetness. We are completely smitten with her and every single squishy, tiny feature.

After signing the paperwork and seeing Coretta’s pediatrician, we were discharged from the hospital. It was surreal. It was painful. And it was raw. We were leaving the hospital with a baby born to a different mama. Neither of us said much on the car ride away. When we did, it was in whispers. Afraid that we might wake up from this dream.

 We were graciously given the opportunity to stay in a comfortable, safe, and gorgeous resort for our remaining time here in Vegas as we wait to be cleared to leave the state. For the next several days, we are waiting for the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) to approve all of our paperwork and clear us to leave Nevada as well as head home to Minnesota.

Until then, we will be here soaking in all the snuggles, bottles, diapers, grunts, laundry, cries, and love of being a new family of three. Travis continues to amaze me with his incredible love and compassion for our baby girl and how well he has taken on his new role as Coretta’s daddy. My love for him is ceaseless.

Our request from our community of supporters is this: please continue to pray. Pray for M and her heart as she navigates life post-placement. Pray for our new family and Coretta as we learn and adjust to being a family of three. And please pray that the ICPC process is smooth and prompt so that we can bring our girl home. We also received word that our beloved Pastor Stephanie is in tremendous need of prayers. She has been with Travis and I through every single milestone in our lives these few past years. She was there to guide us through marriage preparation, to marry us, to pray for us as we began this process of adoption, to pray over us and with us as we went through the loss and grief of several loved ones. Now, it’s our turn to rally around her and lift her up in prayer. Please join with us and our ECLC congregation as we wrap Stephanie in our prayers of comfort, healing, and strength.

In love,
The Atkinsons


  1. I am so happy for your family, congratulations and many MANY prayers coming your way!


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