The Real Deal

Now that our profiles have been distributed to agencies throughout the nation, reality is a knocking! Remember all those feelings and worries when we were creating those profile books? Where we hoped to share our love for each other, for our families, friends and church, and for our future child all in the pages of that book? When I hoped and prayed that our personalities, souls, and love would seep into the pages of those books that will bring us our future child? Yeah, all those feelings have exploded. Now I can’t help but think about all the “what ifs”. What if they’re looking for a home that’s bigger than our little, old duplex? Or a doctor instead of a teacher? Or what if they’re looking for parents that have been married longer than we have? Or a family that has a cat instead of a dog? Or the million other thoughts circling my mind.

But what if our little, old duplex; new-ishly married; dog-loving family is the absolute perfect fit for a baby that’s growing inside their mama? That’s the “what if” we have to hang onto. The “what if” that will give us hope as we wait this journey out.

Now that our crown molding, basement, spring cleaning projects are complete how will we keep busy?! Two words: Graduate School. After completing my thesis last summer, I put my Defense of said thesis on hold. And then I just kept it there, “on hold” for the past 8+ it’s time to get that item checked off the to-do list. Travis is also completing his final two courses of his MBA and will graduate four days after my defense. After that, we have no idea what we will do. Maybe become normal humans and go out in public again? We’ll keep you posted.

Until then, please join us in prayer: Gracious God we abundantly thank you for the blessings our family and friends have been to us during this journey. We know that You are working through them to surround us in Your love and comfort. Please wrap all of the expectant parents in Your loving embrace as they make life-altering decisions. Be in their hearts, minds, and souls. Guide them to a decision that will give them peace and comfort in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. Surround them in our love, too. Let them feel our admiration deep in their hearts. Hold these parents in Your hands Lord, and protect them from harm. In Your name we pray, Amen.  


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