Not yet.

The day has finally arrived.

After receiving information about several situations, we took the plunge and said “yes” to showing our profile to an expectant couple. For the next three days, I checked my phone like a true millennial. I don’t think my emails have ever been read/responded to/deleted so promptly in my life.

But then, time stopped.

When on that third day, I checked my phone for the 287th time to find an email.

An email that stated “I’m sorry to inform you that birth parents have chosen another family”.

In a flash, it was a quick punch to the gut.

But that punch was softened. My gut was protected with what a “no” for us means: it means that somewhere else, another family has found their baby. They are getting “the call”. The call that will forever change their lives. And that family will be the best family for that baby boy. Because his birth parents chose the family that best fit their hopes and dreams. And THAT knowledge saves me.

It saves my heart from breaking. It is light in the darkness of the wait.

It’s what I’ve been praying for all along. That God hold the expectant parents in His embrace. Give them guidance and peace in their process. And shine a light on their path.

So for now, we'll hit up Tiny Diner and keep my heart and hands pouring out prayer.


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