What's in a name?

Coretta Neeley.

For quite a while, we have kept a running document with names that we’ve liked. We would find them everywhere and anywhere: the credits after a movie or show; book characters and authors; family names. One of our favorite places: the church bulletin! We’d look at all the composers and writers (I think we added two names that way).

When we found out that we were chosen and that the baby was a girl, our name search amped up. We had a long list of maybes but hadn’t yet decided on names we loved. While we were waiting, both of us seemed to be drawn to boy names: that list was extensive, had stars and notes by each of our favorites, and even had some middle name ideas. (We also learned that when your last name ends in -son, first names sound silly if they also end in -son.)

In one of the very first conversations we had with Mama M, she asked us if we had a name

picked out--which made us panic that we hadn’t even narrowed it down! During our July visit together, we knew we wanted to talk about names together. I was so nervous. What if she thought our ideas were silly? Or what if she had a name picked out that we didn’t love? But in my gut I knew: that it was important for all of us, to decide on a name together; as her parents; biological and adoptive TOGETHER. It would be an important decision for us, for Mama M, and for baby girl. So we threw those nervous feelings aside and showed her the narrowed down list over lunch. She read a few out loud and then said that she liked all of them. We talked a bit more and the name Coretta stuck out to her: she had liked the name Cora and said that Coretta was a “strong name” and she liked that about it. 

That was all it took. We narrowed the list down to two choices and let them rest on our hearts for the final weeks before baby was due. Mama M told us we should also pick a middle name because that would help solidify our first name choice. For a middle name, we wanted a way to honor and incorporate Mama M. We tried so many variations and pieces and finally settled on a part of her name that could remain with baby girl. Then, we prayed. We were quiet. And we waited for baby girl to make her worldly debut.

When she arrived and we were finally able to hold her and see her, there was no question what her name was. Sweet, baby Coretta. It was as clear as crystal. The most perfect babe I ever set my eyes upon. We asked Mama M what she thought and if she would give us her blessing to use Neeley, a part of her name, as a middle name. It’s our hope, that Coretta will always know her story and that the three of us wrote this part together.

So, what made her name?

We did. Mama M, Travis and me. Together, we made it.

photo by Sarah Karnas Photography


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