
When we started this journey over a year ago, I had no idea how much I would learn; how many mamas would inspire me with their words weighing heavily on my heart or uplifting my mind; how many times my heart would be torn open a little further; how many prayers I would pray. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Though I still don’t, nor will I ever, have all the answers, I have gained exponentially more insight and knowledge from an incredible group of adoptive and birth mamas. Be that good, bad, incredible, hard, or beautiful...or more often than not: incredible, hard, AND beautiful.

A Birth Mama that I recently discovered (thanks to Cari) posted a blog that I let sit on my heart for a bit. Her words echoed so much of what I have been feeling since being chosen. She writes about the importance of honoring the voice and right to choose of birth mamas in this process. Travis and I have tried to be intentional about our word choice and how we talk and think about the baby girl that is growing strong in her mom’s tummy. Because that baby girl is not “ours”. She belongs to her mom. The woman that is breathing life into her lungs and that has been carrying her for 32 weeks. If her mom again chooses us after baby makes her grand entrance into the world, then we will be wrecked with gratitude and honored to call her ours. But only then, will it be true and right.

In a world that is filled full of injustice, unethical practices, and immoral viewpoints spewed from every corner; the last thing we would ever want to do is strip a woman of her voice; of her heart; of her child. Her story is her own; her voice is her own. And we will love and honor her no matter how she chooses to write the next chapter. We hope you will too.

If you’re interested in reading the blog I referenced it can be found here: Not Yours Yet (Kelsey Vander Vliet of  From Anotha Motha)


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