Fierce Love

With hearts ripped wide open, we are ready to share that we have been CHOSEN.

During the week of all things graduate school: Travis finished his last final on Tuesday, I was defending my thesis on Friday, we were contacted with about 4 different situations. We spent a good 2+ hours on the phone Thursday night with social workers, case managers, and directors discussing these situations and what the next steps were to be. We were informed that Mama M had selected our profile and wanted to do a call with us in the coming days. (Good thing my presentation was pretty much finalized by that point!)

I cried tears of joy. And I started to sweat. I was equal parts ecstatic and terrified. Ecstatic that an expectant parent felt comfortable and confident enough in our profile to take the next step; and terrified that I would say something ridiculous or freeze up on the call and squash that confidence and comfort.

We scheduled the call for Sunday night. We made notes, came up with questions we wanted to ask to better get to know her, brainstormed questions she might ask us, and in general, freaked out! We diffused so many oils. I huffed them straight out of the bottle. I applied a drop over my heart every day (and still do). And we breathed deeply as we clung to each other in hope.

Mama M

During that phone call, our hearts were ripped completely open to Mama M. We care deeply about her, wanting to wrap her in our love, give her peace and comfort in abundance, and protect her from hurt. She is amazing.  We enjoyed her honest and authentic conversation which put us right at ease and made us laugh. She also made us cry. She told us that it was our faith that drew her to our profile and helped her make her decision. See? She’s amazing.

Now we wait. A different kind of wait. An equally exciting and terrifying wait. But we will keep our hearts wide open and our love never ceasing. Baby Girl is due September 2, 2018. During the coming days, weeks, and months we will continue to communicate with Mama M, prepare for a baby, and keep ourselves busy. As with any adoption, it’s merely a plan. And sometimes plans change. But we will love Mama M through every moment because how could we not? Might we get hurt? Yes. But isn’t it worth it? More than anything.

Please join us in prayer for the coming days, weeks, and months:
Gracious God, wrap Mama M in Your arms so that she is comforted, loved, and protected. Be with her as she navigates life in the final trimester of pregnancy. Be with her in all she does so that she may find joy and peace on this journey. Let her feel our love from afar and know that it is never-ending. We thank You for Your graciousness is leading us to her; and her to us. Continue to be present in our growing relationship with Mama M, give us guidance and grace along the way. In Your name we pray, Amen.


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