Frequently Asked Questions

“You can’t get pregnant?”

When we made the decision to start pursuing adoption, we started with a very millennial step: searching the Internet. We were specifically looking for blogs or articles written by couples who had chosen adoption without trying to conceive first. We wanted to find out what other couples’ experiences were like and what advice we might find for the journey we were about to embark on. We knew our search probably wouldn’t yield an abundance of results but weren’t expecting what we found….exactly ZERO pieces that spoke to what we were looking for.

Through many different experiences in both of our lives as well as our shared experiences, followed by many reflective and thoughtful discussions we decided that pursuing adoption at this point in our lives made the most sense. In sharing our decision with family, friends, and our families’ friends, we have been asked many times “Oh, so you can’t get pregnant?”. This question, as inappropriate and insensitive as it is, does not apply to our decision. We have not tried to conceive so we do not know that we can conceive; nor do we know that we cannot conceive. Our lived experiences and information gained from the very knowledgeable, compassionate people in our lives that shared their experiences have solely impacted our decision.

“Why adoption?”

We couldn’t give you just one, simple answer to the “why adoption?” question. Our answer is made up of a complex web of personal and sometimes emotional responses. Some of our experiences happened while abroad: Travis’ study abroad trips to India and Turkey and my semester abroad in South Africa. During these experiences, we were both struck with how happy and full of love the children we met were. While volunteering in South Africa at a safe-haven daycare for children whose parents experience substance abuse, extreme poverty, or disease I couldn’t believe how joy filled and welcoming the sweet little children were. Always greeting us with hugs and grins from ear to ear, volunteering there was the highlight of my week (even though we had to get up really early to be there).

During my freshmen year of college I had the privilege to share a dorm room with one of the girls I met on my very first orientation day. In time, she shared with me that she was the birth mother to a little boy who had been adopted. The positive and supportive relationship that she had with the adoptive parents really had an impact on that stayed in my heart and grew into the motivation to have deep and authentic conversations with Travis. Lucky for me, he didn’t need convincing, he was always on board and had resonating experiences to many of my own.

“How can we help?”

We would like to request thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes for as we get through the home study process and wait to be matched. We also pray for all the expectant parents that are considering adoption: pray that they are supported, cared for, and loved; pray that they find clarity and peace in an incredibly challenging decision; and pray that God give them guidance in whichever process they choose.

Now that our journey has officially begun, we are budgeting and planning for the immense expense that accompanies adoption. After giving a lot of consideration, having discussions with other families that have chosen adoption, and prayer we have decided to open ourselves up to the possibility of contributions to help ease the financial strain of adoption expenses. This decision was not one that came easily or without much discomfort but a decision that we have come to terms with. If you wish to contribute towards our growing family, please follow the link:


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