
Showing posts from July, 2018

The time is coming near.

35 weeks. We have been so overwhelmed by the support and love of all of our family and friends over the past several months. It is truly incredible and has not gone unnoticed. We now have an even bigger ask. An ask that doesn’t come easy. With only a few weeks until baby’s due date, we have adoption and attorney costs quickly approaching. Although these fees seem difficult, we know that they will ensure that Mama M is able to be cared for and supported; that all aspects of this adoption are handled ethically and with integrity. In an effort to honor our support system, we invite you to be a PIECE of our adoption! For every $25 donated, your name (or send us a message/bible verse of your choice) will be added to the back of a puzzle piece. Once the puzzle is complete, we’ll put all the pieces together to help decorate the nursery. We have a GoFundMe account set up here: . Our previous YouCaring page was close


When we started this journey over a year ago, I had no idea how much I would learn; how many mamas would inspire me with their words weighing heavily on my heart or uplifting my mind; how many times my heart would be torn open a little further; how many prayers I would pray. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Though I still don’t, nor will I ever, have all the answers, I have gained exponentially more insight and knowledge from an incredible group of adoptive and birth mamas. Be that good, bad, incredible, hard, or beautiful...or more often than not: incredible, hard, AND beautiful. A Birth Mama that I recently discovered (thanks to Cari) posted a blog that I let sit on my heart for a bit. Her words echoed so much of what I have been feeling since being chosen. She writes about the importance of honoring the voice and right to choose of birth mamas in this process. Travis and I have tried to be intentional about our word choice and how we talk and think about the baby girl that