
Showing posts from March, 2018


Bursting Seams As we continue to prepare to grow our family, we have also been preparing our home. We had been working on a basement remodel, painting, and touching up several projects around our house and planned to get them all finished before our family and friends held a baby shower for us. Which was ambitious. We spent many late nights hanging crown molding on 100 year old plaster walls (not easy), touching up with caulk, and painting. If I never have to fill in another nail hole, I won’t be disappointed. After some late nights, and long weekends, we got nearly every project complete and our house clean and free of drywall/plaster/etc. Dust! Finally. Major victory for my anxiety. The completion of projects also meant that we could finally get our basement space back! Travis has space for woodworking, I have space for painting and polying, and our very patient renters can get to their storage space again. The weight of these tasks on our to-do lists has been lifted! On Sund