
We are ready to announce our decision to move forward with adoption!

While we were dating, Travis and I were talking about our experiences abroad and how impactful seeing the sweet children in need of a family was for us. We were both strongly moved by the innocence and hope these children had. During these conversations, I fell more and more in love with Travis and knew in my heart that our relationship would grow and strengthen. We continued to pray and grow in faith and love with one another.

First comes LOVE.

During the fall of my sophomore year of college, a friend of mine invited me to join her in playing in a kickball tournament in her hometown Freeport. Little did I know, my future husband was organizing the team I would play on! It was a cool, sunny morning when Lauren and I showed up to an EMPTY field. Travis had told everyone to be there half an hour early so Lauren and I arrived 10ish minutes before that….we had a few minutes of thinking we showed up on the wrong day! The day was filled with lots of laughs and a second place finish. A few years of friendship and six months studying abroad later, we decided that we were ready to take our relationship to the next step! Travis bought a condo in 2013 and I moved in with him in the fall after graduating college. We were excited to make it our first home! Fast forward to Spring of 2016 and we were again, preparing for another big step: another MOVE. We fell in love with the charm and character of a duplex in South Minneapolis and purchased the home the same day I was offered my first teaching job. It was a day we will never forget!
Since we were no longer bound by HOA rules, my first order of business was to get a dog. I fell in love with a sweet little rescued pup from Indiana and as soon as we met him we knew he would fit right into our family--and has he ever! Cash has given us so much joy, laughter, stress, and motivation to walk three times a day...but we couldn’t be happier to be his humans!

Cash and his favorite toys!

Then comes MARRIAGE.

On a gorgeous October 2016 day, we were married in the very newly built sanctuary of our church surrounded by our closest friends and family.
During our pre-marriage counseling with our pastor, we shared our dreams of adopting a child into our family. While giving our wedding homily, Pastor Stephanie reminded us that no matter where we are in our lives we will be surrounded by the support of our family and friends: we are counting on that support as we embark on this uncharted territory. Travis and I know that our family and friends have strong, deep roots and tower over us with the love, encouragement, and support and we are so thankful to have you all in our lives.

Then comes BABY in a baby carriage...hopefully!

Travis and I are so excited...and equally anxious about the journey to come. We met with a local agency and went through an overview of their process. We have also done some research into both international and domestic adoption programs and a lot of praying for God’s guidance as we make agency and program decisions.


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