
Showing posts from August, 2019

One year

A missed call and text. A tearful, laughter-filled, sweaty plane ride. An anxious trek across the city. A hospital room with an exhausted, yet adrenaline-filled mama, eager to share the story of your arrival with us. And then, you. A tiny, squishy baby, placed in my arms.  A little bottle to give you your first feeding. A pounding heart filled with awe. I can still smell the smells and hear the sounds.  The tiny cry.  The full head of dark hair. The long, wrinkly fingers. The teeny, squishy toes. My girl, I could never forget. Sarah Karnas Photography 365 days of never forgetting your sweet details. Your tiny cry has turned into a strong, determined voice. Your teeny fingers and toes have grown to carry you to explore all the world around you. And that full head of dark hair has grown into gorgeous curls, spiraling down.  365 days of loving you harder than I ever knew possible.  362 days of being your mama. For 72 ho