
Showing posts from May, 2018

Breathing Easier

In this time of great wait, we are trying to get ourselves and our lives as prepared as we can. So that when “the call” comes, we are truly ready. Last week brought us our final major TO DO list item: finishing graduate school. After the past few years of spending many Saturdays in classes, nights and weekends doing homework, reading, studying, and generally being stressed out by working full time jobs AND pursuing our grad degrees, we ARE DONE. Walking into our home after we had both finished our “final finals” was like a giant fog had been lifted. We could see again. And it felt GOOD. We celebrated with a Saturday morning at one of our favorite coffee shops FREE of homework for the first time ever! It was glorious. Amidst this final stretch for both of us, we have also been on an intensely complex portion of our journey. Our profiles have been shared with an additional two agencies in different states. The past two weeks between all of our grad happenings, work happe