
Showing posts from January, 2018


If you have spent some time with Travis and I, you have probably heard us talk about our church--we love it, we can’t help it. Recently, we joined in relationship and prayer with our partner congregation to match with another family/couple/individual to be prayer partners. We somehow managed to be paired with a fellow adoption journeying mama! She lives in our neighborhood and has recently begun the process of searching for agencies and programs and we are so grateful to have made another connection on our journey--especially one that includes daily prayers for each other! We’re excited to continue our journey with our new-found connection beyond the 5 weeks of prayer as we support her in her journey as well. We pray that she find clarity amidst the heaps of information when choosing an agency/program; that she find peace in her decision to choose adoption; and that she feels supported and encouraged by the people in her life as she embarks on this new journey. We have also begun t